Destroy the Icon - Process 3


I decided to add Big Ben over my image, to go with the England theme. I also made another version with one of the overlays I used the first time. I don't know if that one made it look too messy though. I do like how Big Ben looks, however. 


  1. I love the way Big Ben looks in the top image! It has a really nice glowing effect! I also appreciate that you have three copies of Princess Diana- it makes the image feel well balanced. In the top image, the far right version of Diana's face seems a bit clouded or dimmer if that makes sense. I'm not quite sure if that was intentional but that is the only thing I would change. I also just noticed the dots of light to the left of Big Ben and I think they work really well compositionally to fill that edge of the image! overall, great job so far! I look forward to seeing future iterations.

  2. I love the idea of the England theme and incorporating Big Ben in the image, it definitely works! I think it's almost playing it too safe though, I feel the composition could benefit by altering Princess Diana in different ways too. But I love how Big Ben looks in the image!

  3. I really like the warm tones in the first image. I think the addition of the overlay from your previous versions in your last post provides the image with a more nostalgic/reminiscent feel while also filling in some more of the space. I think the repetition of Dianna is really interesting and fits well with the repetition in Big Ben. I also think it would be nice to see some additional abstract/natural texture overlays, like the lights, to add more interest and further separate your image from the original.

  4. I think I like the top one the best. I think the overlays work well in it. I also like that Diana is darker. I think it works better towards the bottom as well as when her arm layers of the clock. I think adding Big Ben was a good choice and it instantly comes off very English.


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